Kid to Kid Houston is an award winning franchise and here’s why

Kid to Kid Houston is an excellent choice for toddlers who grow so fast. Little girl making a scrunching face for mom.

Why I love Kid to Kid Houston Resale

Kid To Kid Houston is a large brick and mortar franchise resale store. They maintain a level of quality by only purchasing/selling great condition apparel and toys. They will not accept anything that has been recalled, so you can rest knowing your child is not being put at risk in a second hand recalled item. This business states that “returning one item back into the circular economy reduces it’s carbon footprint by 82%.” Considering how much carbon footprint each person on the planet uses, that is a tremendous amount of upcycling contribution!

Their motto is to reduce pollution, support community, and use clothing for good. I can get behind all of those ideas!

How to sell with Kid to Kid Houston

If you have generally good kids items that you want to rehome, but donation doesn’t feel like the best option, Kid To Kid Houston is a great alternative. You can take your gently loved items for appraisal and they will hand you cash on the spot.

Here’s how you do it;

  • Sort through your items to decide what you want to sell. Bring them to the store, and give them 15-45 minutes to go through the items.
  • They will give you a value of what they are willing to pay, and you can accept it or not.
  • While you wait on your estimate, it’s a great time to shop around and see if there’s anything you wish to purchase.
  • Your payout options are simple. Cash on the spot, or if you choose to use it towards a Kid To Kid Houston purchase, you get an additional 20% added value. So, those items that you just browsed around for, you essentially got a 20% discount on!

Their website has some great tips on selling items too-check this article out for what their suggestions are!

*TIP-if some of your items aren’t up to par with Kid To Kid standards, don’t fret. They offer a donation option as well-so cool!

How They Give Back to Communities

Kid To Kid Houston is committed to giving back to communities, and not only THEIR communities. They gvie back to people all over the globe. For example, you can go on their website and click on each community they partner with. I clicked on Pitateng, Burkina Faso and found this is exactly how they have helped them! Donations have helped this community build a school that 54 girls are able to attend school daily. They are doing their best to break the cycle of poverty and illiteracy one donation at a time.

Kid to Kid Houston giving back stats


I hope this blog post on Kid to Kid Houston was valuable to you. For more parenthood info, here are some more valuable blogs!  I am a specialized family and motherhood photographer based in Houston, Texas. I’d love to chat!

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